Tuesday 24 July 2007

Camouflaged Elephants and Summer Goth

I was very sad when I put the elephant dress on Ebay. I keep making these lovely dresses, imagining I am the sort of person who can waft about in them, but I work in a bookshop and at a sewing machine, and enormous dresses just get in the way. Also, I am not very ladylike, and I am forever fiddling with hems and petticoats, and dresses generally make me feel very uncomfortable.

I liked the idea of the elephants hiding behind the camouflage, and I really like the split front design of that dress, so I decided to use the leftover fabric to make a variant on my elasticated skirt pattern.

Camouflaged elephants skirt Camouflaged elephant skirt

When there's someone slightly more rounded than my mannequin inside the skirt, the split front hangs straight and you can see the elephants in the middle. The two layers are joined at the side seams.

(I really need a new camera. I've put new batteries in this one, and it still keeps refusing to focus properly and switching itself off at random. Grrr.)

Can there be such a thing as casual summer goth?

Rainbowskye asked me to make her another long black crushed velvet skirt, but I didn't have any crushed velvet hiding away in the stash. What I did find though was enough black velour to make yet another simple elasticated skirt.

Black velvet skirt

I have a little black velvet strappy top which will go perfectly with this for the summer, and the lace makes it almost smart enough to wear to parties. :)

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