Friday 6 July 2007

A slight shortage...

A slight shortage...
Here's the second work-in-progress of the week - and the second dress for Nannyo! this one's going to be worn to a wedding in about a month's time.

As you can see, I appear to be having a slight binding shortage...

I bought the same amount of binding that I used for the elephant dress. However, I didn't bind the back (inside) edges of the elephant dress, I just hemmed them. I've bound all the edges on this one, thereby leaving myself about a mere and a half short. Oops!

Never mind, I can run down to Fabric Land tomorrow and pick up some more. I also need to find three lovely buttons for the front fastening. Between all my inherited button tins, I couldn't find a single thing! Actually that's not true - the lovely red flower-shaped buttons that I did find were just a bit too big.

1) I need a bigger table! 2) Butterick 4790, before binding. 3) Katie Jump Rope

1) My cutting table is about six inches too short for this dress!

2) Looks a bit nothingy before the binding, doesn't it? It's much nicer with the cream edges.

3) A close-up of the fabric - "Katie Jump Rope" by Denyse Schmidt. Bought from Cia's Palette.

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