Thursday 1 November 2007

Fish Fabric!

I've just arrived home from my "Proper Job" to find my order from Cia's Palette waiting for me on the doorstep. It arrived all the way from Minneapolis in just nine days.

I opened it in a flurry of excitement - as well as Chloe's Day of the Dead Skulls, it contains my fishy fabrics!


This is what I saw when I opened the parcel:

Fishy label

An extra little fish! So cute!
I am saving all the labels Cia uses to wrap her parcels. Clearly I need to order a lot more fabric, so I can collect enough labels to decoupage a box or something. (That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.)

But look! Look at the fish fabric!

Fishy fabric

Fishy fabric

The fish have names! Proper fish names too, like Robert and Swimmy and Bjorn! (It probably helps if you know that my fish are called Alice and Dave. And the beautiful black one which sadly died was called Bob.) Look! The black one is called Spooky!

Sorry. I can feel a lot of eyebrows being raised at me across the internet.

But look! it has fish!


Kitty Couture said...

This fabric is adorable! I completely understand your excitement.

Claire Smith said...

Isn't it cute! I actually plan to make a Simplicity 3673 from it, with the blue for the bodice and the white for the skirt - like this!