Tuesday 19 February 2008

Psychedelic gathered skirt...

For the past two days I've been busily writing a tutorial for making my simple elasticated skirts. I have a crack team of testers reading through it at the moment, and as soon as they've let me know that you do in fact end up with a skirt at the end of the instructions, I will unleash it on the unsuspecting public!

In the meantime, here are a couple of pictures of the finished skirt:

Swirly psychedelic skirt Swirly psychedelic skirt

If anybody would like this one, it's 29" long, and the waist stretches from 32-40". Maximum hip size is 40". (Although the skirt itself is very full, that's as far as the elastic stretches, so you need to be able to get it on and off!) It's £40, including postage and packing within the UK. Please leave a comment if you're interested!

The tutorial that I've been writing is the first in what will hopefully become a series. I'll let you know as soon as it's available!

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