Friday 23 May 2008

Covered in bees!

It is one of the lesser-known side effects of having fluorescent pink hair, that when you go for a walk in the woods, an assortment of bees may attempt to extract pollen from your head.

Thankfully I am not allergic to bee stings, and I am a huge fan of bees generally, so I don't mind if they land on me. :)

This little fellow was far too busy foraging inside the iris to pay any attention to me:


But this guy?


When he was done with the rhododendron, he decided that my hair looked tasty. This bee was massive - a good inch and a half long. It's quite difficult not to be frightened when a bee this big wanders about on your head, but he got bored and flew away quickly enough.

I also saw several ducks:

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While I was photographing the coot, Mrs Mallard sneaked up behind me and stuck her head in my handbag!

You can see the rest of the photos from my walk on Flickr:

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