Sunday 4 May 2008

Working on the website.

Today I have finally taken the time to give the Design By Claire website a bit of a sort-out. I took the shop down a little while ago, to experiment with Big Cartel and Etsy, but I've finally decided that I want to keep a web shop on my own site as well.

So, here it is:

It still needs a bit of work, but at least you can go there and buy things, which seems to be the primary aim of having a shop in the first place!

Originally the web shop was on hold until I'd decided what I was doing with the Bishopston fabrics. As it happens that's taking a lot longer than I'd planned, and it was silly not having a shop set up for all the things I'd made already.

I do have more plans for a more professional shopping set-up, using Zen Cart. Unfortunately the process of setting up Zen Cart's templates is giving me rather a headache, so I'm taking that slowly too.

In the meantime I'm concentrating on making lots of new and exciting things - mostly slippers for all the people who volunteered to test them out for me! I also have plans for more accessories like the monkey belt, and lots more tote bags from pillowcases. I had a little shopping spree on Ebay last week, and I have Dennis the Menace, Wombles and Henry's Cat duvet covers and pillowcases on their way!

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