Monday 12 May 2008

Shoe Envy.

I really must get a move-on and work out how to make little canvas shoes.

The Nice Man Who Knows About Feet told me that I shouldn't be wearing Converse any more, so I sold my yellow pair with daisies and ladybirds to a friend. I still have a pinstripe pair that didn't sell, and I keep looking at them, and wondering whether the next time I put them on they'll magically be okay for my feet.

(Note to self: This didn't work with the Doc Martens, so it seems unlikely that the Cons would be okay.)

Because I am a sucker for punishment where shoes are concerned, I've just been to look at the Converse section of the Schuh website.

Look! They have Converse with Little Red Riding Hood on them!

I immediately want to make a little red gingham dress to wear with these.

I'm not so keen on this year's ladybird design, but I do rather like this blue and yellow floral pair. I'm sad that these Sailor Jerry low-tops are men's, because that means they don't come in my size. They're so pretty that I'd happily have worn these with all my summer skirts.

Mind you, if I'm looking at Converse, I ought really to be looking instead at Ethletic Sneakers. It would be really easy to buy a cream pair and paint on them, and then I can have whatever design I like, as well as supporting Fair Trade and renewable resources.

Having said that, Finest Imaginary has just pointed out that the Little Red Riding Hood Converse are part of (PRODUCT) RED, which has a global fund to provide anti-retroviral drugs, to help fight the AIDS pandemic in Africa. I'll be looking out for that one red eyelet if I do decide to buy a pair of Converse in future.

I'm still quite a few steps away from being able to transform the slippers I've been making into outdoor shoes. I just need to resist the urge to give in to temptation in the meantime!

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